About me

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I came to yoga looking for an alternative form of exercise and found something life changing. After my first yoga class 12 years ago, I instantly fell in love with the practice. I came away feeling bright and energised, as if I could handle anything. As the months went by, through regular yoga practice, my body became, stronger, more flexible and mentally I felt happier, calmer and more centred. These days I enjoy passing on my knowledge as a yoga instructor in Manchester.


In 2006 I travelled to Mysore, India to spend 3 months studying with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and R. Sharath Jois. I have continued to study all over the world with incredible teachers, including Matt Ryan, Andrea Everingham, Tim Miller, David Swenson and Gregor Maehle, completing my Yoga Alliance Teacher Training with Brian Cooper.

Ultimately, my own daily practice is the best teaching source, giving me constant inspiration, a strong foundation and a deep understanding of yoga.

Yoga teaches me so much about my self. There will always be days when I am not bendy and have dreadful balance but these are the days I learn the most. It doesn’t matter if it’s not perfect, it’s my time to zone out and connect with myself.


My no-nonsense approach to teaching and yoga instruction includes aspects of the different styles and techniques I have picked up along my yoga journey. I hope to inspire others to share my passion, helping my students walk away feeling relaxed and refreshed. Constantly seeking new inspiration, I aim to bring a fresh and positive energy to all my classes, infusing playful flowing sequences with technical alignment and a healthy dose of humour.

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